Tips for reducing Dementia


Dementia is a decline or loss of memory, reasoning and other mental abilities (the cognitive functions such as judgment, thinking, behavior and language) that are not a part of normal aging. It usually progressively worsens over time.

The World Health Organization has published the first guide to reducing the risk of dementia, a disease related to forgetfulness.

The World Health Organization describes the disease as one of the major health challenges worldwide, about 50 million people are suffering from dementia with nearly 10 million new cases each year. As the global population ages, the number of people living with dementia is expected to triple from 50 million to 152 million in the next 30 years.

The guideline covers content that includes promoting healthy and active lifestyles to prevent the disease from affecting people’s ability to remember.

There is no known cure for dementia. Experts say it can take years to find a cure for dementia.

It occurs most often in old age. However, this is not a natural or inevitable consequence of old age.

Although a healthy diet could be beneficial to prevent disease, consuming vitamin pills is not suggested to help in any way. To avoid dementia, smoking and drinking should be avoided.

Likewise, it is recommended to take high alert on issues like body weight, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

What’s more in the Guide:

Exercise- Adults, especially senior citizens, walk at least 150 minutes a week or do other physical exercises. Doing household chores daily or bicycling.

Quitting smoking-  Smoking is bad for the brain and body.

Focusing on catering- Healthy and olive oil-rich Mediterranean-style foods contain plenty of vegetables and fruits. That is healthy.

Do not rely on vitamins- A vitamin pill does not have to be beneficial.

Avoid alcohol – Consuming too much alcohol is harmful. Although alcohol is said to be beneficial, it is not certain.

Exercise of the Mind – Word making crosswords and some computer games can benefit.

Socialize – The habits of meeting and harmonizing with friends will help.

Preventing High Blood Pressure – High blood pressure should be reduced by taking medicines or by other means.

Treating Diabetes – Controlling diabetes does not complicate dementia.

Beware of high cholesterol – High cholesterol increases the risk of dementia. That does not mean that reducing medicine works.

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